Saturday, April 24, 2010

We have a name....

We have officially named our little girl - Addison Mae Tavera. It was quite a process, but have finally both agreed on the name. Today Addison had her first baby shower. My sweet friends in Temple showered her with lots of gifts. Her closet is full on baby clothes and gadgets. This is a picture of two of my friends at the shower who are pregnant too! It's nice to have girl friends that are going through all the same things.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Planning Baby T's Nursery & Name

We have officially cleaned out the closet in Baby T’s room. She actually already has clothes hanging in there. We ordered her nursery furniture last week and it should be here by the end of April. We experienced a little bit of sticker shock, but she is going to have the nicest nursery set ever (in our opinion). I’m sure the bigger Maegan gets the less she will want to work, so we plan on getting Baby T's nursery all settled by the end of May. We are still on the name search – we both love the name Addison, but can’t seem to find a middle name that we have fallen in love with yet. We are trying to be patient and aren’t going to settle until we both agree. We also just found out that our neighbor is having a little girl too…so excited!