Monday, May 3, 2010

3D/4D Ultrasound

We had a 3D/4D ultrasound this past weekend and enjoyed every minute of it. Gretchen came along for the entertainment. We spent an hour glued to the screen in amazement of the gift from God that is developing within my body. She was very cooperative - imagine that .... she already likes her picture taken. Not only did we get to see every body part and facial expression, but we had a dvd made of all her movements in the womb. She is VERY active, which I have been telling everyone. For a moment she actually had the hiccups. It was interesting all the crazy positions that she was in, but space is limited since she is getting so big. It was fun to see that she already resembles Chris and me SO much. She has the Tavera nose and my lips and toes. Although the ultrasound was wonderful, it will be even better to hold our little blessing in our arms. 9 more weeks to go.

Note: The lumpy/gooey image that appears on Addison's face is the placenta. She is head down and face up.