Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Loving Life

Addison is loving life! She is such a happy little baby AND wonderful sleeper .... we are on the fifth week of all night sleeping .... YIPPEE! She has mastered her night schedule. She is warming up to the camera since I am constantly taking her picture - trying to capture a shot without her tongue hanging out is a challenge though. We are so in love with this little girl!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

2 Months Old

Miss Addison was two months old Sunday Sept 12th. We are enjoying every minute with our little girl. She now weighs 12 lbs 1 oz and measures 22 2/3 inches. She has begun to coo and smile a lot. Her smile just makes our heart melt. She is full of personality.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

BOWS BOWS BOWS - Who knew they could be that big?

Aunt Gege bought Addison the cutest bows for her 2 month b-day .... celebrating every moment!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Addison Meets Dylan

Our friends and neighbors Marci & Tig Day had a baby girl on Friday Sept 3rd. This is a picture of Addison and Dylan meeting for the first time. It was funny to try and get two newborns to sit up for a picture considering there is not much neck control .... LOL!

Day Trip to Dallas

We took a day trip to Dallas on Saturday to visit with family. Addison was held by her great great Aunt Mary who turns 99 years old this week while we caught up with Cousin Kent. We also visited Uncle Bill & Aunt Madelyn, Cousin Sally, and Cousin Danna. We enjoyed catching up with some of our extended family and introducing Miss Addison to them. Addison did great - it worked out well that every stop was a feeding time or diaper change so she was a happy camper.